These are fun to make and can be decorated however you like. Try different cake and frosting combinations; kids (of all ages) will love them!
Ingredients: 1 box (18.25 ounces)cake mix, 1 container (16 ounces)prepared frosting, 48 paper lollipop sticks, candy coating, OR chocolate, white chocolate or peanut butter chips, sprinkles, chopped nuts, coconut, etc.
Instructions: Bake cake as directed on the box, using a 13x9x2-inch cake pan. Let cool completely.
Once cake is cooled, crumble into a large mixing bowl by cutting cake into 4 equal sections. Remove a section at a time, break it in half and rub the two pieces together over the bowl, making sure to crumble any large pieces that fall off. You can also use a fork to break apart any larger pieces. Repeat with each section until cake is crumbled into a fine texture. You should not see any large pieces of cake.
Add 3/4 of the container of frosting. Mix it into the crumbled cake, using the back of a large metal spoon, until thoroughly combined. Do not use the whole can of frosting; cake balls will be too moist if you do. (Indulge! eat the rest of the frosting directly out of the can!)
Roll mixture into 1 1/2-inch balls, placing them on a wax paper-covered baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for several hours in the refrigerator, or place in the freezer for about 15 minutes. You want the balls to be firm but not frozen.
Have ready a styrofoam block, the lollipop sticks, and the assortment of sprinkles and/or toppings.
Melt candy coating or 1 cup of chocolate (white chocolate, peanut butter) chips and 1 teaspoon of shortening in a tall container (I used coffee mugs)in the microwave, stirring after 30 seconds, until completely melted and smooth.
Remove a few balls at a time (5 or 6)leaving remainder in refrigerator. One at a time, dip about 1/2 inch of the tip of a lollipop stick into the melted chips, and insert the stick straight into a cake ball, pushing it no more that halfway through. Dip the cake pop into the melted chips, and tap off any excess coating by rotating the pop and gently tapping your wrist with your other hand. If too much coating starts to build up at the base of the stick, simply use your finger to wipe it off, spinning the lollipop stick at the same time (then lick your fingers!)
Holding the dipped cake pop over a bowl, sprinkle toppings of choice until covered. Carefully place end into styrofoam block and continue with remainder cake balls. Allow to harden or place in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
Makes 48 cake pops.
Family Circle, October 17, 2011, pg. 114, Meredith Corporation, NY.
"Let's Bake a Cake!"
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